Thursday, March 27, 2008

God's Men - Dead Men.

When God came shopping for a front-man to introduce Jesus to the world he found his man in John. John’s attire was out of fashion. John’s diet was outrageous. John’s residence was out of town. If our youth group met John the Baptist today they’d say “get a life, man”. In other words he was 'DEAD'. Jesus calls him the greatest prophet to have ever walked on the planet. When God wanted to take Christianity to the gentiles he found a thoroughbred Jewish Pharisee named Paul. Paul’s pedigree and certificates had no bearing on the gentiles. But his name created havoc in hell. When God wanted to reach the Jews he called an impulsive, illiterate fisherman and names him the Rock (Peter). God’s men were always out-of-fashion (they didn't fit the bill), obnoxious (not pleasant to hear) and otherworldly (they were eternity men). In other words they were boring dead men. They were totally sold out to God. They had nothing to do with the world. God’s men had no possessions to hold on to. They had no reputation to guard. They had no ambition to fight for. They had no organization to establish. Their only goal was Christ. Perhaps Paul’s t-shirt bore this line “For me to live is Christ”.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dying to Program

Today we are preoccupied with ourselves and our programs. We are so into thinking of what we can do that we miss out on what God can do. We are looking to impress. We are looking for recognition. Brother, if there is no fire in your preaching and if there’s no power in your singing then its time you packed your bags and waited upon God. God is not interested in your program. God is not interested in your organization. God is interested in the lost. We have men living beyond their vision. We have men holding on to office. No wonder most churches are dead. No wonder there are crowds but no God.

Just like in the Laodecian church (of Revelation) God is standing outside and knocking. He is not inside but outside. Today we are interested in our programs. We pray for gadgets and power supply. We pray for favourable weather conditions. We pray for the musicians and preachers. But alas we take it for granted that God will be there. No wonder we have good musicians and bigger crowds and NO God.

We are interested in our organizations. We take great pains in building dynasties at the expense of fire. We make plans with the organization in mind. Holy Spirit’s leading is nowhere in our agenda. Leonard Ravenhill used to say that “No man can live beyond his vision”. Yes, look at John the Baptist. After a training of 20 long years in the desert his ministry was just for six months. He was the best preacher in town. He was the voice of God after almost 400 years of silence. Crowds came from all over the place to hear him. He even attracted the Pharisees, spiritual superiors of the time. They even wondered if he was the Christ. Did he try to set up an organization? No, instead he introduced Jesus to his disciples (Joh1:37). Did he try to establish his baptism? No, instead he spoke about Jesus’ baptism (Matt3:11). He accomplished his mission and got out of the way. Look at him say this in John3:30 ”He (Christ) must become greater; I must become less.” That’s dying to program brother.

Paul says “for me to live is Christ..”. His ambition was Christ. It was not his ministry but Christ. Not his writing career but Christ. Not his preaching but Christ. Not his church but Christ. Here’s a man completely sold out. Give me one man surrendered such. We ought to be ashamed at ourselves. I am.