Tuesday, January 1, 2008

God Is Raising A Remnant

Yesterday was a glorious day. I went to this camp-fire event organized by the local CSI church youth group. It was a fun event and I went there reluctantly as I did not fit in with the crowd. The final event in the agenda was a small sharing time. A brother shared from the Bible and his own life. After this he starts praying.... And there is an immense anointing of the spirit. I was shocked with this as it was a 'CSI' youth group. The Presbyterians are not usually gung ho about the Pentecost experience. Here was a small presbyterian group praying in the Holy Spirit and some speaking in tongues. For some time now I have been praying for the anointing. Today, though wanting to be anointed, I was quite skeptic at first and thought God would work in a different way in me. I was not totally convinced of the violent shaking experience that some were having that day. I wanted some thing clean and neat. But I was wrong. To hell with my ideas. As the praying session wore on one of the brothers who were leading stopped and turned right towards me (closing his eyes) and said that God was telling him of a young man who was having doubts about what was happening. I was amazed at this and was hell sure it was me. My doubts vanished that moment and I asked to be filled. Shaken violently and pleading for the fire to come down on me then and there, I was anointed. Glorious anointing. A very bad day for hell. A tragedy for satan.

God is raising a remnant in unexpected places. To hell with our sophisticated ways. God is looking for men who would be totally sold out to him. If you come to him you are risking personality, pedigree and public opinion. If the Pentecostals are pre-occupied with prosperity and hero worship God will raise fire-brands from unexpected places. He is doing that in South India. While the pentecostals are busy with building bigger buildings and praying for blessings there is a small remnant scattered seeking revival. An unimpressive bunch who are not after blessing but burning. A group of ordinary men who are seeking fire rather than power. A league of prophets who would not tickle your ear but kindle the fire.


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . A hug.

crossblade said...

God works in ways man cannot comprehend !
be blessed brother...

Anonymous said...

God does work in some amazing ways!just as an aside..The word 'hell' has been used a few times in this post..in the context that you've used(except for once), it is a curse word...so..umm..it would be better if you substitute it with something better:)....