Friday, November 23, 2007

Preoccupied with Personality

One of the critical things that happen when a man surrenders to God is the breaking down of his personality. When we come to God he wants us to shed everything including our personality. He'd break our personality so that His Glory is revealed in us. What a privilege to be a vessel that reflects His Glory. He cannot operate unless we give him the controls on everything. There was this guy who wrestled with God… one Jacob. Jacob had an awkward limp in his gait after that encounter Gen32: 31. Then there’s Paul who was blinded at the encounter and his eyes was one problem he carried to his grave (as said by some historians). Then there’s Moses fresh from the Ivy League Egyptian University who was asked to spend quality time in wilderness with some sheep. Jeremiah had to preach wearing a yoke on his neck once. Isaiah had to go stripped and barefoot for 3 years (Isa20). Read Galatians 4:14, Paul talks about his illness as a nuisance to his hosts (some believe that this illness was his poor eyesight that he carried to his grave). I’m tempted to believe that it was the result of his meeting with God on the road to Damascus. God breaks and makes us soft enough to leave His fingerprints.
Dear Lord break me today, my personality and all;
Here I am, heeding your call.

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