Monday, December 17, 2007

Lord Invade our Prayer Meetings

If you want to know how popular the Church is - go there on sunday mornings.
If you want to know how popular the Preacher is - go to the church on sunday evenings.
If you want to know how popular God is - go to the Prayer meeting.

- Leonard Ravenhill


sirons said...

Martyrs were the seed of the Church...yes I agree..but having read your Glorification of bloodshed and martyrship, which i do not subscribe in total..i feel you are more oriented towards "Other worldly". Iam reminded of what Paul opined " for me to live is Christ and to die is gain". we need to remind ourselves that we are still alive and breathing here right now in this world. We can, i feel be more an instrument of God by staying alive and struggling to manifest God's glory and salvation for all on this earth than to die away fast with the truth. We seek life and not death.
More over the political situations, religious freedoms differred greatly from our times in those days of the early Church...and must not be compared directly to our times..for example after the Period of Emperor Constantine I.. Christians enjoyed religious freedom and were not persecuted rather if we carefully see history the Church redid what was done to them previously " burning and anathematizing the wicked"...That was surely not God's purpose.

Steve said...

Siron, My post about Stephen's death was in response to a recent death of a popular Preacher here. And the post was not about bloodshed, its about the lack of conviction and sting in our sermons & lives today.

How did the political and religious circumstances differ in Paul's time from today?